Celebrating Ribbon Cuttings on Martha’s Vineyard

CHILMARK — On July 12th, 2023, Dellbrook|JKS celebrated the ribbon cutting of two new public facilities on Martha’s Vineyard: The Chilmark Fire Station and Tri-Town EMS, located on adjoining lots at Menemsha Crossroads.
The $11M project provides more room and supportive areas for the Vineyard’s emergency service personnel. Chilmark Fire Station totals 4,500 SF and houses an administrative office, four apparatus bays, and functional space for its responders. Its neighbor, the Tri-Town EMS building, totals 6,300 SF and contains locker rooms, offices, meeting places, training spaces, and a kitchen, in addition to two apparatus bays. All ambulatory services for Chilmark, Aquinnah, and West Tisbury will be dispatched from the center, making the station a vital hub in its region.
Both 1-story, slab-on-grade structures were designed by Keenan & Kenny Architects to offer better accommodations for fire and EMS operations and complement the existing townscape in Chilmark. The buildings feature shingle-sided exteriors with white trim to create the traditional island charm associated with Vineyard architecture.
“We had a wonderful team and experienced partners, who understand the complexities of island construction and scheduling, working together to accomplish both projects on time and budget,” said Dellbrook|JKS Project Manager, Tom Shevory. “It’s a pleasure delivering these facilities to the community and incredible people who serve it”.
The New England construction management firm’s portfolio of island work also includes ongoing construction at Vineyard Wind Operations & Maintenance Facility, Vineyard Wind’s Airport Hangar, the Veranda House, and the Beachside Hotel. Completed island projects by Dellbrook|JKS include Oak Bluffs Town Hall, Vineyard Golf Club, Nantucket Culinary Center, Miacomet Golf Club, Wannacomet Water Company, and more.

For media inquiries, please contact Emma Barrett at Ebarrett@dellbrookjks.com