Pine Street Inn Outreach Van Unveiling

QUINCY— On June 7, 2023, Dellbrook|JKS and the New England Patriots Foundation gathered for the unveiling of a new, jointly-sponsored outreach van for Pine Street Inn. Both groups, including Dellbrook|JKS team members, Patriots players Ty Montgomery, Terez Hall and Chris Board, and Patriots cheerleaders worked together to pack the vehicle for its first trip, scheduled later that evening.
Operating every night since 1986, Pine Street Inn’s Outreach Program offers essential aid to hundreds of homeless individuals in Boston. Its Outreach Team will use the van for its ongoing mission to provide clothing, food, hygiene kits, health care referrals, and interpersonal connection, as well as pathways to housing, to the city’s homeless population. Pine Street Inn, New England’s largest provider of housing, shelter, street outreach, and job training to people facing homelessness, serves 2,000 people each day, with upwards of 100 individuals with each nightly van run.
With Dellbrook|JKS sharing the Patriots Foundation’s philanthropic focus on giving back to the communities they call home, the New England construction management firm found reason to collaborate with the Patriots beyond development at Gillette Stadium. The Patriots Foundation named Dellbrook|JKS one of its five cornerstone partners and the pair has since worked together to combat homelessness in the region.
“This is a topic that is near to our hearts as a construction management firm that largely got its start through building affordable and permanent supportive housing,” said Andrew Baker, Senior Vice President of Marketing and Development at Dellbrook|JKS. “We truly understand the importance of Pine Street Inn’s work and are proud to join the Patriots Foundation in supporting their lifechanging efforts”.
Photography by John Rich & DBJKS Marketing.

For media inquiries, please contact Emma Barrett at