Projects — Residential, 2Life Communities
Opus Newton
Architect Perkins Eastman
Owner 2Life Communities
Location Newton, MA
Value $96M
Type New Construction, Podium 5 over 3, Steel and Wood Framed
Stories 6

2Life Communities
Opus Newton
Opus Newton is new construction of a 351,000 SF, five 5 over 3 podium style structure with two amenity levels and six residential stories above a 2 floor parking garage for 174 affordable senior living apartment units. The project is being constructed on the Jewish Community Center’s (JCC) Greater Boston campus and will be connected to Coleman House, another 2Life collaboration with Dellbrook|JKS.
Construction includes extensive sitework including rock and ledge excavation by blasting. Following the mass excavation work, the process of structure excavation begins and backfill work will be completed. Fill material will be made by the processing/crushing exiting blasted rock to usable gradation. Final site improvements require a completed foundation to allow for extensive grading and retaining wall work. The foundation includes 2 levels of parking. Residential levels 3 -6 have wood framed decks. Wood framed bearing walls begin at level 2 over a post tension slab. The exterior is unique with a curvature at the facade. Building envelope is of Passive House Design including triple glazed passive house windows. The HVAC will be by VRF (variable refrigerant) and include a central ERV system, with unit interior being all electric. Gas will be installed to be used for central boilers in the garage.